Your website styles, articulated:

This is heading 1

This is heading 2. We use it frequently on this site.

This is heading 3

This is normal text. This is normal text bold. This is normal text italics.

This is a quote block. Isn’t it pretty?
— Sarah

Some general information about your site:

I’m using Squarespace’s own vocabulary here, so you can find what you’re looking for if you Google / search their help pages, or if you talk to their support team.

Many of these Squarespace vocabulary words are bolded below.

  • This site was built in Squarespace 7.0

  • Your template is called “Foster” which is part of the Brine template family. Use the word “brine” when you search Squarespace help.

  • We are using an index page for your home page. Each section as you scroll down is a page, and they are gathered into this vertical format by the index.

  • We are using a folder to collect your three books’ pages.

  • I have loaded all three of your 3d book covers into a gallery page, which is hidden from the main navigation. Then I’ve used a summary block to summon those gallery items as a group on your front page as well as at the bottom of each book’s individual page.

  • There are two other pages that are hidden from the main navigation. This page you’re reading now, and the privacy policy. But the privacy policy is linked from the footer.

Adding a new book:

  • You can ask me for a 3d of a new book that you launch. But if for some reason I am unreachable, you could ask any designer with photoshop to craft the same 3d form from one of our previous ones.

  • Make a new page for the new book, either by duplicating a book page (that’s an option under the settings / gear menu) or by adding one with the “+” in the pages panel. Take care to name this new page so it isn’t forever called “new page.”

  • Add the new image to the hidden gallery and link the image to the new page.

  • Link up the new book to vendor sites.

Useful tutorials on Squarespace include: